Stretching a Link with Javascript

I wanted to set a class on a WordPress block so that any nested link would extend to the entire block. There are many examples of stretching a link to its parent container using CSS, but I had complicated <DIV> with many nested elements.

I could easily apply a hover and class to the block in WordPress. If I could use the class to stretch the link, it would match the boundaries of the hover for the best UI effect.

Here is how I did it.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    // Find all elements with the 'stretch-link' class
    document.querySelectorAll('.stretch-link').forEach(element => {
        // Add a click event listener to the element
        element.addEventListener('click', () => {
            // Find the nested 'a' tag within the element
            const nestedLink = element.querySelector('a');
            if (nestedLink) {
                // Redirect to the URL of the nested link
                window.location.href = nestedLink.href;

This JavaScript will:

  • load when the page loads
  • search for all elements for the ‘stretch-link’ class
  • add a click event handler to elements that then
    • search for a nested A tag
    • go to the HREF of the tag found

This is the CSS to change the cursor to a pointer when it enters the block

/* Add pointer cursor for elements with the 'stretch-link' class */
.stretch-link {
    cursor: pointer;

At the time of this writing, this code is in use here.